Rain Ready

Urban Gardening Club

Discover your love of gardening with the Urban Gardening Club

February 27 from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm Urban Gardening Club is back at Pinch Bakery and Plant Shop. 
Address: 183 Sherman Ave N, Hamilton, ON L8L 6M8.

The workshop will be in-person content related to our Rain Ready Webinar Series. Free and open to all.

Rain Ready Hamilton Webinar Series: Installation, Monitoring, maintenance

Green Venture’s Rain Ready webinar series explores the process of adding a Low Impact Development (LID) feature to your backyard, whether it is a rain garden, permeable paving, rainwater collection or others. This webinar focuses on:

  • Basic guidance on installation: potential permits and screening, tools and approaches
  • Designing with maintenance in mind
  • Creating an achievable maintenance plan
  • Issues to look out for during and after installation

This webinar is live, with a Q&A period following. A recorded version will be available soon.

Rain Ready Hamilton Webinar Series: Design and Integrating Plants

Green Venture’s Rain Ready webinar series explores the process of adding a Low Impact Development (LID) feature to your backyard, whether it is a rain garden, permeable paving, rainwater collection or others. This webinar focuses on:

  • Calculating the size of your LID feature
  • Preparing your site plan
  • A deep dive into the options for native plantings based on appropriate ecological communities

This webinar is live, with a Q&A period following. A recorded version will be available soon.

Rain Ready Hamilton Webinar Series: Introduction and Site Analysis

Green Venture’s Rain Ready webinar series explores the process of adding a Low Impact Development (LID) feature to your backyard, whether it is a rain garden, permeable paving, rainwater collection or others. This introductory webinar focuses on:

  • What are the stormwater issues in Hamilton and how it affects the local environment
  • How to consider and measure the various site conditions in your yard
  • What types of LID projects are appropriate for a residential property and how to decide which one is right for you.

This webinar is live, with a Q&A period following. A recorded version will be available soon.

Hamilton Farmer's Market Pop-up, take 2!

The Green Venture team coming back to the Market to share more about their energy, environmental education and green infrastructure initiatives. We will be there to answer questions on how to create rain gardens, harvest rainwater, and more. Green Venture is hosting a special event at the Market that will include fun kids’ crafts and activities about the water cycle. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Ask the Experts at Valley Park Library

Green Venture will be at Valley Park Library hosting several experts to help you brainstorm solutions and ideas like where to place your rain garden, what plants to use, what permeable pavers might be right for you, or how you might site your rainwater collection system. 

The evening will also include a brief talk on the Valley Park library branch and its LEED certified features and kids craft and activities tables by library staff. 

Families welcome!

Experts include:

Michael Albanese of Avesi Stormwater and Landscape Solutions

Garrett Tribble of WaterFarmers

Heather Jerrard of My Landscape Artist

Jessica Gale of Green Venture

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