Check out all these beautiful transformations along Barton St. E! From impermeable pavement to beautiful gardens of soil and flowers, these depave sites help to create a more vibrant landscape in our city, reduce stormwater runoff, and encourage local pollinators to thrive. šŸšŸŒ±

[stat_counter icon="Defaults-star" icon_size="32" icon_animation="fadeInUpBig" counter_title="M2 of Lawn, Pavement, and Concrete Transformed" counter_value="400+" counter_suffix="+" speed="3"][stat_counter icon="icomoon-the7-font-the7-heart-filled" icon_size="32" icon_animation="fadeInUpBig" counter_title="# of Native Species Planted" counter_value="1000" counter_suffix="+" speed="3"][stat_counter icon="fas fa-hand-holding-water" icon_size="32" icon_animation="fadeInUpBig" counter_title="L of Stormwater Diverted Annually" counter_value="650000" counter_suffix="+" speed="3"][dt_before_after image_1="11077" image_2="11055"][dt_before_after image_1="11096" image_2="11110"][dt_before_after image_1="11114" image_2="11115"][dt_before_after image_1="11087" image_2="11085"]Be part of the change! Join our newsletter to participate in upcoming projects and transformations!

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