All-Terrain Wheelchairs at EcoHouse

At Green Venture we care a lot about accessibility and making EcoHouse a place for everyone. We understand as it is, not everyone can explore the property and we are taking steps to remedy that. One of these steps is the purchase of all-terrain wheelchairs! 

4 all terrain GRIT wheelchairs

These wheelchairs by GRIT are built to go off paved paths and on varied ground, with the extra stability provided by the front wheel. Attachments allow the wheelchairs to be self propelled or pushed by another person. We have four wheelchairs, one sized for children and three for adults. With these wheelchairs, those who need mobility support visiting EcoHouse for events, school trips, and more, will be able to traverse the property. We’ll also be able to take people out in the community for hikes and similar activities with these wheelchairs. 

Green Venture is working with community partners and other organizations to develop programs for use during nature-based programming. Stay tuned for full program details over the coming months.

Green Venture Staff Member Sitting in Wheelchair on Eco House property

Pictured left we have a staff member experienced with using wheelchairs testing it out!

If you know a group that would benefit from use of these chairs, reach out to collaborate with Green Venture. The purchase of the chairs was supported by a $21,700 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

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