Hamilton Stormwater Week 2024

Green Venture is hosting the third annual week-long campaign about stormwater in Hamilton! 

In March 2019, the City of Hamilton declared a climate emergency. Climate change is forcing us to adapt to extreme weather events, including urban flooding. There have been an increasing number of record setting storm events in Hamilton. Urban flooding has serious environmental, economic and social implications for our community. To address this, the City of Hamilton recently announced a stormwater fee would begin in 2025 and are currently investigating different funding models. 

Check out our in person events and educational resources that will dive deeper into the different issues and solutions surrounding water in our community. We will learn about stormwater runoff, how to mitigate flooding in urban settings, urban gardening initiatives and more! You don't want to miss out!Join us on Monday, August 5 2024 from 6-7:30pm EST at Laidlaw Memorial United Church (155 Ottawa Street North)

In June, Green Venture hosted the Laidlaw Memorial United Church Planting Event, participating in the Living Cities project to bring accessible green spaces to Hamilton! With additional funding from ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Corporate Community Fund, Green Cities Foundation, Rain Haven, and Tree Canada, we transformed over 2000 sq feet of lawn, pavement, and concrete into an urban green space filled with 500+ native species and trees.

This guided rain garden tour and plant walk will allow you to explore the new rain gardens at Laidlaw Memorial United Church and learn about the design and plant selection from the Landscape Architect, Adele Pierre. Bring any gardening and plant design questions you have and we'll be happy to answer!

Adele Pierre, Landscape Architect, will be on-site answering questions!

Adele has her:

  • Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Guelph
  • Bachelor of Music in Performance, University of Toronto
  • Diploma in Horticulture, Ontario Agricultural College
  • OALA Full Member Seal and Certificate
  • ISA Certified Arborist ON 2385A
  • Certified Landscape Designer, Landscape Ontario
  • Fusion Landscape Professional
  • Green Roof Professional
Rain Garden Tour and Guided Plant Walk at Laidlaw

Monday, August 5 at 6PM - 7:30PM

Laidlaw Memorial United Church

155 Ottawa Street North Hamilton, ON L8H 3Z2[dt_media_gallery_carousel resized_image_dimensions="3x3" image_border_radius="0px" item_space="30" project_icon_color="#ffffff" project_icon_border_width="0px" arrow_bg_width="36x" arrow_border_width="0px" r_arrow_icon_paddings="0px 0px 0px 0px" r_arrow_v_offset="0px" l_arrow_icon_paddings="0px 0px 0px 0px" l_arrow_v_offset="0px" include="10990,10993,10987,11007,10954,10946"]Resources:

Join us on Tuesday, August 7 2024 from 5:00-6:00pm EST at Niwas​a Kendaaswin Teg/McQuesten Urban Farm

Explore the Niwas​a Kendaaswin Teg/McQuesten Urban Farm and learn from urban gardeners about food harvesting, community-oriented food initiatives, water efficient gardening and more! This event promotes hands on learning as we join with our partners Niwas​a Kendaaswin Teg /McQuesten Urban Farm for some seasonal stewardship on their farm. Seasonal tasks include: weeding, planting and harvesting! Be sure to wear closed-toed shoes and long pants. Bring a reusable water bottle, sunscreen and a hat!

Food Harvesting Workshop at Niwas​a Kendaaswin Teg

Tuesday, August 6 at 5-6:00PM 

Niwas​a Kendaaswin Teg/McQuesten Urban Farm

785 Britannia Ave, Hamilton, ON


Join us on Wednesday, August 7 2024 from 6:30-8:30pm EST at the Waterfront Trail for a "Walk and Talk around Bayfront Park (Meet at the BARC Kiosk) 

Join us on an educational and engaging Waterfront Walking Tour in Bayfront Park with the Bay Area Restoration Council (BARC) and Tim Crowley from the City of Hamilton! All are welcome to attend regardless of age or ability. Staff from the Bay Area Restoration Council and the City of Hamilton will guide us on a walk to discuss grey infrastructure in Hamilton (e.g., storm sewers, combined overflow tanks, separate and combined systems), our watershed, and community greening opportunities.

On this guided walk, we will explore the bay, learn more about Hamilton’s stormwater system, and enjoy a leisurely stroll on the trail. Please bring comfortable walking shoes, a hat, and sunscreen.Hamilton Waterfront Walking Tour

Wednesday, August 7 at 6:30-8:30PM

Bayfront Park (BARC Kiosk near trail entrance)

200 Harbourfront Drive, Hamilton, ON

Park at the Bayfront Park Parking Lot

Down by the Bay – A Guide to Hamilton's West Harbour - Tourism HamiltonResources:

Join us on Thursday, August 8 2024 from 6:30-8:30pm EST at St. John the Evangelist (Meet near bike racks) 

Drop by and learn from Norm Newbery and Erinn Turnball about some of the Green Infrastructure features on-site at St.John the Evangelist while also learning about the project's history!

The Green Infrastructure elements on site, like the rain gardens and the holding tank with pump and soaker hoses, are an excellent demonstration of water management and efficiency in an urban setting! 🌧️💦 The holding tank catches and retains stormwater to distribute through the pump and soaker hoses. Then, these hoses encourage healthier plant growth and water absorption by distributing the water at the root level, generating healthier plants designed and arranged to help hold excess amounts of water year-round!

BONUS: attendees will receive native plant seed packets!Water Harvesting and Rain Garden Tour

Thursday, August 8 at 6:30-8:30PM

The Church of Saint John the Evangelist

320 Charlton Ave W, Hamilton, ON L8P 2E7Resources:

Celebrate the end of Stormwater Week on Friday, August 9 2024 from 5-6:00PM with a fun community education initiative! Join the Bay Area Restoration Council (BARC) and Green Venture as we paint yellow fish onto sewer grates, encouraging local residents to remember the influence that their water runoff has on local waterways, species, and ecosystems. Be prepared to paint and community educate!

Yellow Fish Road

Friday, August 9 at 5pm-6pm.

T.B. McQuesten Community Park, 1199 Upper Wentworth Street Hamilton, ON L8W 2Y7

BARC is excited to partner with Green Venture to deliver the Yellow Fish Road program to the neighbourhood of Rushdale!

Enjoy a walk around the streets nearby TB McQuesten Community Park and help to raise awareness of daily pollutants that enter our local water bodies through storm drains.

This FREE educational program creates community awareness about the impact of household hazardous waste on the health of Hamilton Harbour. Volunteers will mark storm drains with painted fish symbols to carry the message “Only Rain Down the Drain”.

We will meet at the TB McQuesten Community Park pavilion next to the park's parking lot. BARC will provide all supplies needed for the event. Please wear closed-toed shoes and bring a filled reusable water bottle.

Registration is required.

Learn more about Bay Area Restoration Council: bayarearestoration.ca

Learn more about Green Venture: greenventure.ca

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected]Resources:

The Green Venture rain garden and green infrastructure tour allows you to explore Hamilton’s rain gardens at your own leisure on August 10 or 11th. Whether you’re a local resident or visiting from out of town, this tour provides a flexible and immersive way to enjoy the city’s green spaces.

Here are some highlights of what you can expect:

  1. Explore at Your Own Pace
  2. Learn About Native Plants
  3. Understand Rain Garden Features
  4. Enjoy Beautiful Green Spaces
A dozen projects across the city will be open to the public. These projects were funded by Green Venture's Residential Rebate Program.

At some sites, the homeowner will be present to answer your questions. Other sites will be drop-in only and you will receive the full list of addresses via email after you register.Rain Garden and Green Infrastructure Tour

Saturday-Sunday, August 10-11Resources:

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